Restaurant Items on Sale in Sterling, VA


Looking to stock up on products and other restaurant supply items? Look to us for the best items on sale in Sterling, VA! Please email us with the name and quantity of the items on sale you want to purchase at [email protected].

13 oz Balloon Wine Glass

36 in a case

$39 per case

7 oz Anchor Hocking Clarisse Glasses 77787

36 glasses in a case

$52 per case

16 oz Anchor Hocking Clarisse Glasses 77796

36 glasses in a case

$94 per case

16 oz PET plastic cups

1000 in a case

$40 per case

12 oz PET plastic cups

1000 in a case

$40 per case

Black Beverage Napkin

3000 in a case

$48 per case

45 Gallon Black Trash Bags

100 bags in a case

$17.95 per case

Pallet Wrap Case

4 rolls in a case

0.80 Mill 18″x 1500′

$54 per case

Unwrapped Case of Black or White Straws


5000 in a case

$56.61 per case

Wrapped Case of White Straws


5000 in a case

$62.71 per case

Unwrapped Case of Black Stirrers


5000 in a case

$53.61 per case

Whereas traditional plastic straws are composed of petroleum, PLA is made entirely from renewable resources such as starch, cassava roots, and sugarcane. This allows for the PLA straws to serve as an environmentally safe product that not only cooperates with the ban on plastic straws in Washington D.C. but also acts as an indistinguishable substitute for traditional plastic. Unlike other environmentally friendly products such as paper straws, the PLA straws feel as though they truly are plastic, providing an enjoyable and familiar experience to the consumer.